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Sam Tyson

Sam Tyson specialises in movement, mindfulness and massage. Sam has been teaching and working in the movement and wellbeing industry since 2012 and is a certified sports massage therapist, fitness coach, Animal Flow © instructor, Reformer Pilates teacher and AcroYogaDance teacher.


In his own physical practice, Sam has a broad range of experience: he studied martial arts, competed in Fencing and long distance running, and trained in ballet and modern dance at the Conservatoire. Alongside these pursuits, he is currently also training in rock climbing, parkour and acrobatics.


Sam previously studied at Edinburgh University, St Mary’s University and London Contemporary Dance School. He was awarded a first class degree for his thesis on strength training for performance and has also written work on the impact of movement and exercise on memory function, health-span and longevity.

Since 2012, Sam has taught classes and workshops for a number of fitness & well-being companies including London Climbing Centres, Local Motion, Fitness Renaissance, Virgin Active, Re:Centre, Physio on the River, alongside his private 1-to-1 movement coaching and massage treatments.


Sam currently runs private coaching sessions and group classes at 3 locations in West London: RavensWall climbing centre near Hammersmith, Ikshana-Wellbeing near Wandsworth Common and Mode Training in Wandsworth Town.

  • Head of Movement at Local Motion Movement, London (2020-2022)

  • Ba(hons) in Contemporary Dance, Strength for Performance, LCDS

  • Sports massage therapist, St Mary's University

  • Fitness Coach (L2)

  • Animal Flow © instructor

  • Ballet Barre teacher

  • AcroYogaDance © teacher

  • Vegan Nutritionist

  • Pilates Reformer instructor (VA)

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